The CV – Section III: Scholarship / Professional Productivity, Part 2

Next up, we’ll review subsections C through F under Section III, Scholarship and Professional Productivity.

Section C seems to cause confusion. “Published Reviews of Scholarship” include reviews you have written on others’ works, usually books or book chapters, or even online works such as educational videos. See the sample CV section for an example. However, some faculty list their own review articles here, but as I noted in last week’s post, I suggest instead making another subheading for “Reviews” in the publications section. Listing reviews here highlights them within your list of published works.

I tend to divide section D into “Completed Grants (or Studies)” and “Submitted” or “Pending” Grants. You can also include “Unfunded Grants (or Proposals),” if you had substantial grant proposals that were not ultimately funded. It makes more sense to me to list all grant activities under one major heading, rather than list “pending” grants under Section F as noted on the CCOM template, but again, this is personal preference.

Be sure to list dollar amounts received, percent of time or effort, and percent of salary support obtained, especially when submitting your CV for promotion or annual review. However, I would consider removing these details when submitting your CV elsewhere, such as to another institution at which you have been invited as a Visiting Professor. At this point you may consider having two CVs, one for internal use and a public version.

Add other helpful identifiers to any grants listings, such as NCT number (, or other IDs that can be searched online. It’s also helpful to note the type of grant–R01, educational, seed grant, etc.–especially when submitting for promotion.

There are a number of ways to format grants, but whatever format you choose, be consistent, and provide all information for each grant.

Section E should list all presentations that are not given as a result of a submitted and accepted abstract. Rather, list here single-author lectures and presentations (but do not list your name), such as invited lectures at meetings of professional organizations. Visiting Professorship listings should include the name of the institution to which you were invited, as well as titles of talks presented and any other activities during your visit.

For Pending Decisions, if applicable, major projects not related to grants can be listed. I see very few listings for this section and most CVs just don’t include it.

As always please feel free to contact me with any CV questions at

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