The CV: Annotated CVs for Promotion

This is the next part in a series of posts on editing, styling, and formatting curriculum vitae.

A number of faculty are currently working on annotated CVs in preparation for promotion applications. Once your CV has been thoroughly updated and formatted, it’s much easier add annotations as required for your promotion dossier.

Peter Snyder, MD, associate dean for faculty affairs and development, shared some advice for those faculty currently updating and annotating their CVs in preparation for applying for promotion.

Dr. Snyder advises that “it is important for faculty to keep their CV updated and accurate. Each time you update, remember to change the date indicating when it was last updated.” As I mentioned in my June 2 post, noting the date of last revision at the top of the CV is helpful for a number of reasons, including being able to tell how far back you may need to look on your calendar to add what might be missing.

As for annotated CVs, annotations can be a little daunting. What do I annotate, and how? Dr. Snyder suggests that faculty “include annotations for papers and grants where you are a middle author or not the PI. This allows reviewers to understand your contributions.” I also suggest that faculty use annotations to highlight particularly outstanding accomplishments or projects. Be sure to keep annotations short and concise. Use italicized text and enter an annotation just below the publication, grant, or other activity you want to highlight.

Example of an annotation for a publication:

Example of an annotation for a grant or study:

Example of an annotation for a high honor or prestigious award:

Next week I’ll share some advice and tips for writing your personal statement—perhaps the most important part of a promotion dossier.

As always, if you would like some assistance with your CV, please feel free to contact me at

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