The CV – Section II: Teaching

This is the next part in a series of posts on editing, styling, and formatting curriculum vitae.

Section II: Teaching

Next up in this CV series we’ll review the Teaching section, and I have provided a sample of Section II with different types of entries.

The first subsection here (A) should include all teaching assignments, by year(s), with the title of the course or lectureship. Ideally, each assignment also notes the number of hours per semester, weeks of the year, or hours per week—some sort of quantification of time spent on each assignment. Again, I suggest noting the year(s) on the left side of the list, then title, then time spent on each assignment.

When listing courses taught to medical students, only the title of the course is needed, not the course number.

If you have taught at more than one institution, you can subdivide this section by institution, or simply include all in a standard chronological list, noting the different institutions at which each course was taught. Although readers can scroll back to your Professional and Academic Positions section to see where you were when you taught certain courses, it’s easiest for readers to list those institutions in this section.

Students Supervised (B) should NOT include a list of all residents, fellows, medical students, or other trainees who are supervised during a standard rotation of their curriculum. Rather, list here specific students whom you have mentored through special projects or studies, particularly those whose learning is part of their pursuit of an advanced degree or certification. Note the year(s), name of the student, and either their advanced degree or the outcome of the project, e.g., “PhD thesis” or “book chapter.” Again, a few examples are noted on the sample.

The final Carver College of Medicine suggested subsection under Teaching, “Other Contributions to Institutional Programs” (C), encompasses not only teaching contributions but efforts to improve your own teaching skills, including classes or workshops you have attended (or presented) or teaching research you have performed. Service on teaching or curriculum committees, lecture series, and any CME activities you organized can be listed here. Note: a number of faculty prefer to include all talks and lectures elsewhere on their CV, e.g., Invited Lectures. Although such presentations certainly fit in that section as well, I advise noting presentations directly related to teaching here to highlight them; however, do not duplicate these presentations in another CV section.

This post is a quick overview of the Teaching section, and I hope that the samples provided help you in listing these activities on your own CV, though the sample is certainly not exhaustive. If you have any questions, or need advice on specific CV listings, please feel free to contact me at I’ll be happy to update the posted CV samples to reflect reader inquiries.

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