For its 2020 campaign, Internal Medicine has partnered with international non-profit Soles4Souls, a top-rated international organization with the goal of alleviating the impact of poverty around the world. Thanks to Soles4Souls, more than 40M pairs of shoes have been kept out of landfills and put to good use. Their belief is that one pair of shoes for an individual can mean the difference between having easier access to education or no education at all. Being able to walk to work, being able to re-sell shoes and earn an income, being able to stay just a little more protected from the elements and a little healthier—all of these and more are results that Soles4Souls can produce.
They are able to do it because of the generosity that exists right here in Internal Medicine. Between now and the end of April, we will collect as many new or gently used shoes from members who wish to donate at donation drop-off points within each division. An additional drop-box is in the department administration office, just inside the door at SE 301 GH. We will monitor donations and when a box is filled, we will ship that batch to Soles4Souls where they will be sorted and distributed to areas of need. Regular reminders and updates will come out between now and April, as well as stories of the impact your donations can make.
Let’s show just how much SOUL and how many SOLES Internal Medicine has. Boxes should already be in place, just waiting for your shoes.
Thank you in advance for your generosity!