Ashwath to lead Iowa ACC

Mahi Ashwath, MD, FACC, FASE, clinical associate professor in Cardiovascular Medicine, was elected President of the Iowa Chapter of the American College of Cardiology (ACC). During her term, which begins in 2020, Dr. Ashwath will ensure that there is bi-directional communication between grassroots members and the rest of the ACC leadership. She will also recruit and mentor new members, communicate and implement ACC initiatives at the state level, and advocate for the needs of the providers of cardiovascular care in Iowa, among other responsibilities.

Established in 1949, the ACC is a professional, non-profit medical association dedicated to improving the practice of cardiology through mentorship and patient-centered education. Leadership roles like Dr. Ashwath’s allow the ACC to have a more interpersonal connection with each state and improve the overall success of cardiology nationwide.

“Having been actively involved with the ACC throughout my cardiology career and well aware of the potential and needs of the Iowa ACC community, I believe I can contribute significantly in this position,” Dr. Ashwath said. “With my core values of quest for excellence, service to others, teamwork, accountability, and respect, I believe I can raise the Iowa ACC to new standards and increase the visibility of Iowa ACC at a national level.”

The Strategic Council of the Iowa ACC meets during ACC’s regional and national conferences and conducts quarterly phone conferences. The leadership team addresses issues at both the state and national level and creates solutions that will better the cardiology community.

“The aims of the group include providing a forum for the state members to grow and maintain local cardiology contacts and provide benefits and services that reflect the needs of the chapter members,” Dr. Ashwath said.

Although the ACC is well known for being inclusive and diverse, Dr. Ashwath hopes to increase the number of women in leadership roles in the ACC as well as the number who practice cardiology. Dr. Ashwath also hopes to provide an environment that encourages more diversity, leadership, and educational growth.

“In 2015, it was noted that in cardiology there are only 13.2% women, and interventional cardiology had only 7.4%,” Dr. Ashwath said. “Part of my mission is to increase the awareness and interest for women in cardiology, promote opportunities for participation and leadership for women and minorities.”

ACC Iowa Chapter: Nancy Adams, Executive Director,  Dr. Mahi Ashwath, Incoming President , Dr. Craig Clark, Past President, Shawna Duske, CV Team Liaison
Board of Governors, ACC Meeting

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