30th Annual Iowa Rheumatology Symposium, 5/31/19

For three decades the University of Iowa has offered area clinicians access to the most cutting-edge research and therapeutics in rheumatology. As he has for many years, Petar Lenert, MD, PhD, continues to serve as a member of the planning committee and emcee for the day, greeting former fellows and long-time colleagues to the day-long session.

Though last year’s event was structured largely around the intersection of ophthalmology and rheumatology, this year’s planners sought both a range of intersections with other specialties as well as updates of specific concern to practicing rheumatologists in attendance.

Two visiting lecturers each delivered morning and afternoon presentations. Kenneth Saag, MD, a professor of medicine at the University of Alabama, delivered the Robert A. Ashman Lecture first on clinical controversies in gout. Arthur Kavanaugh, MD, professor of medicine at University of California at San Diego, gave an update on treatment and understanding of psoriatic arthritis.

After a short break during which attendees could interact with each other and event sponsors, sessions resumed. Polly Ferguson, MD, clinical professor in pediatric rheumatology discussed sterile osteomyelitis in children and adults, and Tracey Cho, MD, clinical associate professor of neurology, presented some cases from the “borderlands” of neurology and rheumatology.

Kavanaugh and Saag each delivered the second of their two presentations after lunch. In the Paul Strottman Lecture, Kavanaugh covered spondyloarthropathy and Saag addressed potential complications providers should be aware of in various osteoporosis therapies.

The final block of the day found Namrata Singh, MD, MSCI, clinical assistant professor in Immunology, giving a brief overview of a retrospective study she conducted in which incidences of lymphoma were found to decrease over time in veterans being treated for rheumatoid arthritis.

As is customary at this event, four rheumatology fellows then delivered a series of case studies, overviews of noteworthy cases they had encountered. Brittany Bettendorf, MD, clinical assistant professor in Immunology, organized the “Thieves’ Market” and delivered a case study herself. Interesting insights into puzzling cases revealed both new understandings and approaches to diagnosis from fellows Priyanka Iyer, MD; Aneet Kaur, MD; Sameet S. Sangha, MD; and Hanna D. Zembrzuska, MD.

Congratulations to the presenters and the planning committee on a successful event!

Planning Committee
Peter Lenart, MD, PhD
Molly Burma, ARNP
Rebecca Tuetken, MD, PhD
Scott Vogelgesang, MD

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